alt="The working mother’s reality"
Life and Career

The working mother’s reality

Working mothers are a unique and special category of people. It is not at all easy to be a mother and work. However, the age of technology serves many moms who would otherwise be left idle and trapped in their homes.

In general, it is good to keep in mind that motherhood is in itself a profession, a serious job. It is full of obligations, constantly and uninterruptedly- from the simple shores of the house to the critical deadlines of a demanding project. Work, combined with motherhood, can be a moving bombshell if the working mother does not work out of sheer passion and zeal but does so far actual stability and permanence.

The working mother's reality
alt="The working mother’s reality"
New conditions and suitable jobs for working mothers

Any work can be done remotely, from home, is an excellent opportunity for working mothers. Both the coronavirus and the evolution of technology have opened up a new working universe, creating many jobs that would otherwise exist. Consequently, remote jobs have increased so that many women can cope with domestic and professional responsibilities simultaneously.


An opportunity for mothers who are already at home with young children is the parallel custody of children by Working mothers. You can take advantage of your time at home this way, act as the preferred solution for other moms who can not avoid their professional obligations outside the home and cover your expenses! Housework will increase a bit, but in general, it is a job that can offer you a significant extra income to you and your family. 

Remote office support
alt="Work Ideas for working moms"

Many companies-especially in the new era of remote work that we are currently going through due to the pandemic- are looking for office support work. These places serve the needs for call centres, office supplies orders, remote management of calendars, and appointments. Although at the moment, in some countries, these positions are still limited, it is very likely considered that they will increase due to the changes caused by the pandemic in the job market. 


For working mothers who have knowledge of programming, the season is very favourable for developing websites, business programs, or applications for mobile devices. Undoubtedly, it is a specialized field of work. Still, mothers with children who want to work remotely can find in this field several job opportunities with relatively high wages for the current market data.


A profession that is not widespread, but has existed for several decades, is a voice actor. The rapid advancement of technology and the enormous possibilities of the internet have given the opportunity to thousands of people to practice the profession of voice actor, creating and recording tracks that can be used in any kind of content, whether we are talking about the internet or conventional media, such as television and radio.

Voice acting is quite a creative profession, offering several employment opportunities but also monetary gains. A working mother who has developed her vocal ability through her orthophony, articulation, and expressiveness, can easily practice this profession. By visiting the website, you can immediately look for a job as a voice actor, immediately gaining a significant income that will enhance your family budget.

Till next time,

Disclaimer: All photos in this post were grabbed from Pinterest. All credit goes to the rightful owners.

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