alt="Life Lessons that 2020 is Teaching Us!"

Life Lessons that 2020 is Teaching Us!

Hey everyone! It’s been quite a while since I last shared an article for you guys but I thought it was needed given with what’s been going on lately. I spent the past few weeks learning and making myself aware with important events happening around me. It’s still an ongoing learning but I realized that this year is really testing us so much! However, I realized that everything that’s going on right now is teaching us something. So I though it would be interesting to talk about the Life Lessons that 2020 is Teaching Us to open a conversation with all of you since we are all in this together.

Life Lessons that 2020 is Teaching Us!
alt="Life Lessons that 2020 is Teaching Us!"
COVID-19 Crisis

Like many of you, I welcomed 2020 with so much anticipation. I made plans and goals this year and was already beginning to take a step to try and achieve them.

However, we were all caught by surprise when Covid-19 happened. Suddenly, our daily routine changed in a snap of a second. Everything changed. All travel plans were cancelled. Social interactions with our friends and family has ceased temporarily. We were all endangered with something that experts are not even fully aware of.

However, through all these, we managed to adjust and adapt with the new normal. When a trip to the grocery is more exciting that it has ever been since it’s a good excuse to go out and interact with other people (in a distance) after being confined in our homes for seems like forever.

Many of us managed to learn new skills, be it about baking, gardening or even painting. 

Personally, I got used to my new routine. Getting up in the morning later than I used to do then walking just a few steps away from my bedroom to my home office to start my shift for work. Meetings with my team is now done virtually. Working out regularly is my new thing. Then at 5.30 PM my day is almost done. Too early if you ask me. Yet I started to adapt. I’m actually able to do more now compared to our pre-COVID 19 life.

Black Lives Matter!
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When Covid-19 is seemingly starting to get controlled, a devastating news greeted us a new. George Floyd, a black man from Minneapolis was killed by a police man. A very man who sworn to uphold the law fairly to the people.

This news was painful. A death that was easily avoided. Now, a son, father and a friend is gone forever. 

This even enrages the entire world causing a lot to protest and demand justice, peace and equality. 

As an asian woman living in a foreign country, I can totally relate about racism. Sadly, I’ve witnessed it a few times whether it was directed to me, my family and friends, colleagues and even to strangers. 

Racism is real and it’s disgusting!

What happened to George Floyd is truly unacceptable but we shouldn’t forget that he is not the first black person that was victimized by this event. This injustice also happened to Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor just to name a few. It’s unfair that a person is judged merely by his/her skin colour. This should stop now!

Thankfully, majority of us are choosing to fight against it and is educating ourselves about the dangers that it may cause to a lot of people.

Yes, this is still a long fight but we can and should start now!

As I’ve said earlier, the past few weeks has been an eye opener to me. Through everything that’s been going on, I realized that it’s teaching or reteaching all of us some life lessons that we seemed to have forgotten.

1. Be Kind

We’ve all heard this a million times since our early age yet it seems so easy to neglect and be disregarded. We’ve grown to judge people and disregard that everyone has emotions too. It became easier to repay politeness with judgement and hate. 

But let’s not forget and prove that every person has a good bone within us. Be kind to everyone even if they are choosing not to. Always remember that a small act of kindness can make a huge difference to someones life. A small kindness can make a big impact in this world. 

Choose to be a part of this change.

2. Live in the Moment!
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Life can get so busy and that’s pretty understandable. We live in a fast paced environment and we can’t afford to slow down. Or so we thought.

I guess, a lot of us has been so pre-occupied with the next big thing that we forgot to live in the present. We disregarded a few people in our lives and missed out to truly see the beauty of every single moment.

Looking back to the “normal” days, I realized that we are slave to technology, success, money and all other worldly things. 

Like focusing on getting the most Instagrammable photo on your vacation rather than enjoying that time with your family, friends or significant other. Or we missed to see the beauty of every sunset because we are too busy.

Personally, I vowed to change this attitude from this day forward and maybe you should too. You’ll never know when you can have those precious moments with your loved ones, yourself or with nature again or worse, we may never get a chance ever again.

3. Have an Emergency Fund

During the Covid-19 outbreak, many have lost their source of income. Suddenly, you don;’t have enough to cover for next month’s rent. It’s tough especially if you have young kids.

To make sure that we will be fine when a situation like this arrises in the future, we should all think about our spending habits and start securing some emergency funds. We can start by setting aside a few couple of dollars every pay day and by thinking twice before making any new purchases.

You may also have to finally take that career change that you’ve been planning. Do it now so you can start achieving the changes that requires you to be more financially stable.

4. Spend time to those you love

Who would have thought that you’ll find yourself isolated from the people you love? None of us anticipated this could happen but it did. 

I’m assuming that we all realized that importance of spending time with our loved ones. We have to make time because you’ll never know if you would ever have that chance again.

5. Appreciate the Little Things
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The little things are easily neglected. Like our freedom to roam around a park in our neighborhood, a quick run and hassle free run to the grocery, and even being healthy.

We should all learn to see life in a different perspective and appreciate every little thing that life has to offer. This really matters.

6. Get Involved!

Let your voice be heard and be involved in achieving the changes that this humanity need. Be the change that you aspire to see! Start with yourself and everything else will follow.

These are just a few of the life lessons that I thought all of us should look in to deeper. I hope you picked up a few points and start implementing the necessary changes you think fit in your life right now.

Till next time and be safe,


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