
How Does Your Attitude Affects Your Blog

They say your attitude towards circumstances can create a huge impact in your life which I completely agree of. This is also certainly true in terms of blogging. How you see and what you feel about your blog deeply affects the totality of your website. I say this because I see blogging as a very personal platform thus making it one of my favorite form of social media. It’s personal because you can easily feel, understand, connect and relate to the writer since I undoubtedly believe that bloggers tend to be more conspicuous in terms of their emotions and attitude towards life in their writings.

This is why I choose to patronize bloggers who evidently put so much effort, time and heart in their works. I choose authenticity and ingenuity. But to me, nothing really beats individuality. Why? Because it feels so damn good to read something that’s real and sincere! That’s the true value of a successful blog! But how do you really spot a blog with these attitude? Simple. You just feel it naturally. The writer’s words will speak on their own, it’ll just make you feel and that’s how you’ll find out that there’s so much heart in that article or website. And to me, that’s beyond magical.

So how does your attitude affects your blog?

I’ll go straight to the point here. Your attitude is the core of your blog! Think about the old saying- “You cannot preach what you don’t practice”. That I guess explains it all. For example, you cannot preach about positivity if you yourself is full of negativities, you cannot effectively promote forgiveness if you harbor so much hatred, you cannot spread self-acceptance if you do not know how to accept your own flaws and most of all your readers will likely not love your blog if you do not honestly love your blog! It all starts with you and in you!

On its own, blogging already takes so much work. It requires so much patience. If you lack this attitude, you will give up on your blog in no time. This is why it’s important to love what you are sharing! Love what you are doing because if you put your heart into whatever you are doing, everything else will follow. You might be thinking, how about the number of followers or views? Of course these two matters! But how can you attract consistent and possibly high following if you cannot effectively convey your message? Your readers has to feel your emotions, understand what you are trying to say and see you through your writings. Blogging is not always about the numbers! It’s how you effectively reach out and touch other people’s lives!

It’s true that in this time and era, the blogging world is very saturated with so much websites but think of those who has already made it, your favorite bloggers and writers. What do they all have in common? Passion, love and perseverance. And I think if we all learn to practice all of these, our blog will possible make it someday!

The main lesson is to always let your heart talk!

In the end, we are all human. It’s normal to feel sad, hurt and discouraged. Life is not always a bed of roses and having all of these emotions does not mean that you won’t be able to write effectively! Sometimes, you can even be more creative when you are at your lowest. But, how you accept, see and use all of these emotions will create all the difference!



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