alt="The Benefits of Working From Home"
Life and Career

The Benefits of Working From Home

One of the biggest changes that happened in my professional life this past year is that I’ve transitioned from working in an actual office to working from home permanently. Initially, I wasn’t so excited about it but I learned to appreciate it over time. I realized that it has more pros than con’s and it really allowed me to do more! So if you are going through the same transition, here are The Benefits of Working From Home that I think you would appreciate!

The Benefits of Working From Home
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1. You Save Sooo Much Time!

Being able to save time is what I appreciate the most about working from home! First of all, I no longer need to wake up at 6 AM to get ready for work which is just amazing! I also no longer need to waste time getting stuck in traffic since I can just literally walk from my bedroom to my desk and be ready to start my day.

2. You'll Save Money!

Since you no longer need to commute to work, you are able to save money on gas, parking or metro passes. Other than that, you’d probably also save some dollars from food costs and coffee since you can easily make your own at the comfort of your own home!

3. You're More Comfortable!
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Since you are in your own space, you feel more comfortable! You are able to personalize your workspace without the need to consider any office rules, you get to wear whatever you want (even PJ’s!), and you can even play your favorite music in the background!

4. You Can Be More Independent
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Since you will be working with less supervision, you’ll learn to rely on your self-motivation, self-discipline, your own planning skills, and time management. These are really important skills to develop in order to grow your career and to be more productive.

5. You'll Learn To Communicate Better

Effective communication is very important in the workplace! However, this could be challenging when you are working remotely since you’ll rely so much on emails, video calls, or other electronic communications. 
The beauty of remote work is that it drives you to adapt in many ways like communication. It encourages you to learn new techniques on how you can effectively send your messages across the board. 

6. Work-life Balance

Working from home allows you to have a good work-life balance. All the time that you save from your commute can now be used to either socialize or on your own personal relaxation. 
You can even spend your lunch break going on a short walk which helps to relax your mind and destress!

Till next time,

Disclaimer: All photos in this post are grabbed from Pinterest. All credit goes to the rightful owners.

One Comment

  • thefiftyedit

    A couple of extra hours to sleep in extra morning is a bonus of working from home, but I find I suffer physically, because of my home setup. It’s just not comfortable, and there’s no room for a properly set up office.

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