
“Seven Ways to Relax after a Long Day”

A long day at work or school could really be physically and mentally intoxicating so it’s really important for us to find time to relax and recharge to prepare ourselves for another day. In today’s post, I am going to share with you a few ways I choose to destress and relax after a long day at work.

1. Read a book, a magazine or articles from your favorite blog.

Reading could really be relaxing to the brain so you can pick up a good book, magazine or even your favorite blog while enjoying your choice of drink as a way to relax your mind before going to bed.

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2. Listen to your favorite music

We all know how therapeutic music is so it’s really a good idea to turn on your favorite playlist to calm and relax your mind.

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3. Enjoy a good Wine

They say a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart and I say it’s a good medicine to soothe the mind after a stressful day! You can enjoy your wine while reading, watching your favorite TV show or even while having a bath. I also find that red wine helps me to sleep so that’s another plus!

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4. Watch your favorite movie or TV show

This is probably my go-to way of daily relaxation, it’s a nice way to avert your mind from all the stresses you faced that day. I am a big fan of crime investigation TV shows like “Homicide Hunter”, “20/20” and “FBI Files” so I would just tune in and enjoy!


5. Have a relaxing bath

This is just a perfect way to destress. Turn on your favorite music and have your favorite wine on hand and get ready for a relaxing time!


6. Write!

If I’m not too tired, I can find myself able to write and it’s a good way to relax my mind as well. I may not be able to always finish what I’m writing but it still helps to calm my mind. I would mostly write articles for my blog which I find really therapeutic since I am finally discussing the things I love!

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7. Get some sleep!

There are days when you’re just too tired to do anything and so the best way to re-energized yourself is to get some zzzz.


Hope you find this post helpful!

What’s your favorite ways to relax?

Much love,

Arlene Kischaen Aboli

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