
“Why do we write?”

Writing for me is more than a just a talent, it’s more than just a hobby. Writing for me is a gift given to a few people who can artistically create beautiful stories out of all the chaos of words stuck in their minds. Writing is an art of creating melodies out of all the loud noises of different emotions in our hearts.

But why do we write?

As for me, I write because this is my way of painting my deepest thoughts and emotions. It’s through writing that I can truly be honest to myself because writing puts me to a journey of understanding what I truly feel without the prying eyes and words of those who don’t understand. It’s through writing that I can truly speak my mind without worrying of what others may have to say.

I write because while I am scribbling every word of my own poetry all hidden emotions comes out with it. Every hidden tears suddenly transforms into beautiful words created to hopefully empower others. Writing can somehow cast every dark clouds I have in my heart.

I write because it takes me to a place where pretense is unnecessary and honesty is the only key.

I write because it gives me freedom, freedom to speak my mind, freedom to feel, freedom to dream, freedom to create and most of all, freedom to be just who I am.

I write because it gives me hope. It reminds me that every chapter has an ending and that tomorrow will be even better.

I write because it makes me embrace every truth no matter how dark it may be. It makes me accept reality.

I write because this is what keeps me going. It gives me strength to move forward no matter how tired I can be.

Writing is my life and I cannot face another tomorrow without my words.

And now it’s my turn to ask everyone,

Why do you write?

Much love,

Arlene Kischaen Aboli

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