
“Her Many Faces”

She is a walking disaster,

Some even describes her as a failure,

Some see her as a burden,

Some treats her as an object with no importance or no value at all.

And maybe she is…

Because sometimes she would feel the same.

Sometimes she looks at herself in the mirror and see an empty shell.

Sometimes she would compare herself to a bird shackled in a cage of pure defeat.

Sometimes she turns into a stone, numb for any emotions.

Sometimes she becomes the night… dark, quiet, scary even.

Yet everyday she gets up to defend her dying self,

At times she would surrender and would let the darkness devour her.

How could she not?

Sometimes it’s tiring to fight alone.

But as tired as she may be,

she is still ready to fight.

To dream even if no one else believes.

To keep going even if she’s too weak to walk.

To move forward even when tomorrow seems so dark.

And you see, that is what I admire about her

Because amidst the storm she’s in

she finds the courage to remain.

She could cry a river of tears in the dead of the night

but she’ll face the morning with hope in her eyes.

She doesn’t claim to be faultless

in fact she is aware about all of her mistakes.

It’s not that she gave up

she’s simply tending her every bruise.

And if this is taking time she only wants to be understood.

But this she will assure you that she is on her way of finding her own rainbow.

She knows she is on the right path.

Soon she will shine, wearing her happy smile.

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Much love❤️❤️??,

Arlene Kischaen Aboli

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