“DIY Bath Bombs”

Bath Bombs are amazing addition to a relaxing home bath. Over the years, spa and skin care stores have been producing or selling different kinds of bath bombs in the market which not only helps us to distress but can also be beneficial to our skin. Today, I want to share with you a simple way to make your own bath bombs for a way lesser price. However since Christmas is almost here, this DIY could also be a really good idea for gifting.

So let’s begin.

You’ll need..

  • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
  • 1 cup Citric Acid
  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1/2 cup melted Coconut Oil
  • Plastic molds
  • Essential Oils
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Containers, whisk, decorations (Optional)

*I was abke to make five medim sized bath bombs with the measurements above


  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl (except the Epsom salt). (Since I am making two different colors, I separated the dry ingredients after mixing them together and added the Epsom Salt in just one of the two containers)
  • If you want to use food coloring, now is the perfect time to do it.( If you are using a liquid food coloring, I would suggest for you to wear gloves and use your hands to mix since it is a little bit difficult to completely mix the both with just a spoon or whip. But if you are using a powder food coloring, you can just use a whip to mix.)
  • In a separate bowl, add all your liquid ingredients.
  • Pour the liquid gradually into the bowl of dry ingredients. (If you pour the liquid too fast, this will create a reaction with the citric acid which we don’t like)
  • Mix both mixtures thoroughly using your hands until you get a sand like consistency.
  • Place the mixture into the mold and make sure to pack it tightly. Use a spoon to push the mixture completely. (If the mold is not completely packed, the shape of your bath bomb won’t be as perfect)
  • Let the bath bomb dry for at least a day or you can simply put it in the freezer for up to 2 hours.

And you are done!!

After mixing all ingredients, the consistency should look like these.
I used blue food coloring on one corner of my mold and pink on the other side. Practice your creativity while making your own bath bombs.

And voila!

So there you go! I really enjoyed making this DIY and I hope you will also enjoy it once you make your own bath bombs. For a perfect bath set gift idea for Christmas you can even add the bath salts on my previous DIY post (Click here to make your own bath salts) with these bath bombs. If you end up making this DIY, tag me a picture on one of my social media accounts below. I would really be interested to see your own versions.

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Much love❤️❤️??,

Arlene Kischaen Aboli

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